COVID Message BSM is hard at work helping fight the Covid-19 virus
The safety of our employees and the community are our top priority.
BSM is performing increased disinfecting on surfaces and frequently touched aspects of the commercial facility such as:
• door handles
• elevator buttons
• handrails
• water fountains
BSM is using disinfectants that are proven to kill various previous strains of the Coronavirus.
Please note the following from the manufacturer
The EPA has not established any efficacy protocols for surface disinfectants because 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is so new. That said, it is a Coronavirus based syndrome which is an enveloped virus and is considered to be easy to inactivate on non-porous surfaces. The scientific community believes, based on its knowledge of the structure of Coronaviruses, that when an EPA protocol is established the results will show that if your surface disinfectant is effective for other Coronavirus’s, such as the Human Coronavirus, it will be effective against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019- nCoV).
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